"Thanks for all you do with Carson. As a teacher of 17 years I find your manner and presence with the kids to be inspiring. Kids feel valued at Napa Taekwondo and it's all due to your awesome instruction!"
--Tom Lewis
"Since Owen has been practicing martial arts, I have noticed his confidence improve and his ability to climb and take chances physically increase. I think this is really wonderful. While in my Aftercare program there was an instance where he fell from climbing out of a box and instead of sticking his hand out to block the fall he pulled in his arm, tucked his shoulder and rolled beautifully."
"You're not just teaching my child martial arts. I'm observing lessons in personal character development...and you're constantly offering positive reinforcement. You're empowering these kids...teaching them to believe in themselves...WOW!"
--Dianna Mobley
"I have noticed an improvement in Jake's behavior and listening skills throughout the school year. During recess Jake tries to work out problems with other students with great success."
Christian not only loves learning Taekwondo forms and self-defense but also uses meditation to calm himself when stressed out. Thank you!"
--Eva Zavala